Audit logging


Audit logging allows administrators to capture and review security related events in the application. This article shows how to configure audit logging and explains how to review and filter events. 

Enable audit logging 

To enable logging of audit events, open the Audit Settings page and select Enable audit logging. The default retention period is 7 days, after which older events will be flushed. Choose a retention period which provides a balance between the number of events available for review, storage space and user privacy. To protect user privacy, set the minimal retention period which supports your required use cases.

Reviewing events

The audit log shows the most recent events, without any filtering.  Usually, you'll want to filter the events to only those of interest in your review:

Filter by time

This is useful if you are reviewing events from a certain time period. You can select recent events, old events or specify an exact time interval: 

Filter by event type

Useful if you are only interested in reviewing a certain type of events:

Filter by users

Useful when you are reviewing the events for a certain user.

Filter by session

It is often useful to review all events across a single user session. To do this, click on the Session ref link on one of the events in the session you are interested in:


An example

In this example we observe the user John Doe from login to logout. He is using the Edge browser on MacOS from IP

Each event in the is explained in the below table:

Event typeEvent detailsExplanation
User logout
The user logs out
Policy evaluationCompletedAll Polar SSO policies have been evaluated, and the user is logged in
Policy evaluation Session lifetime adjustedA Polar SSO session policy adjusts the session lifetime for the user
MFA verificationFIDO Web AuthenticationThe user is successfully MFA verified 
MFA enrolmentFIDO Web AuthenticationThe user successfully registers a MFA device using FIDO Web authentication
Policy evaluationMFA enrolment requiredA Polar SSO multifactor policy requires the user to enrol in MFA
User loginUsername /passwordThe user John Doe (johdoe) logs in using username / password

Deleting events

Events older than the retention period will get deleted automatically. If you need to delete all the events from the system, that's possible by using the Delete all events link on the Audit Settings page.

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